The numbers are in!

The 2017 diabetes statistics are in, and they don’t look good.

There are 30.3 million people with diabetes (9.4% of the US population).  95% of those 30.3 million (28.8 Million) are type 2 diabetics. The numbers for prediabetes (what I like to call carbohydrate intolerant) is another 84.1 million (33.9%)

When one-third of a population is rapidly developing a disease, it’s a bad sign. Especially when the cause of it is known, and conventional treatment is a dismal failure.

The cause is carbohydrate intolerance. The standard solution is to give you a drug that helps the cells take in glucose, for a while. This means you MUST eat carbohydrate, or your blood sugar will go low. Eating carbs makes you more carbohydrate intolerant. now you need more drugs. Then you MUST eat more carbohydrate to prevent the lows. You become more carbohydrate intolerant….

It’s a vicious circle, and the only clear winner is the drug company.

So, what do we do?

So, what if in the face of these diabetes statistics, we turn this upside down, and instead of trying to treat the symptoms, we attack the cause?

What if we cut the amount of carbohydrate we eat? A lot.

“Well, your brain NEEDS sugar, so you have to eat carbohydrate” I’ve been told. There is a simple answer to that. “No, you don’t.”

Seriously. There are “essential” amino acids (proteins), there are “essential” fatty acids (fats), but there are NO “essential” carbohydrates. This is because, in order to be an essential nutrient, your body has to be incapable of making it on its own. But your body makes lots of glucose every day through a process called gluconeogenesis. So carbohydrates are not essential.

The Inuit lived quite well on a diet of only meat – almost zero carbohydrate. They also had remarkably low heart disease rates. Eating whale blubber.

Your brain, it turns out, can burn ketones (produced from fat burning) or glucose. And your body can make its own glucose.

Maybe it’s time we took a long hard look at our diet, and what the “recommendations” are before we’re all diabetic. That path will lead to so many other diseases – including diabetic neuropathy – which this site is focused on correcting. If you suffer from diabetic neuropathy, you need to know there is hope. No, the drugs don’t stop it, but YOU CAN.

If you are wondering what to do about type 2 diabetes, here’s a bit more information, for your viewing pleasure.

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

How to stop diabetic neuropathy and heal nerves

Free video covers why diabetic neuropathy is progressive, and exactly what to do to stop the damage and heal - before it gets worse.

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