stop neuropathy in its tracks

Eliminate Pain • Restore Balance • Get Your Life Back
How To Heal

diabetic Neuropathy is misery

The pain stops life. It makes everyday tasks difficult, and steals away your joy. It robs you of sleep, work, and play. You have to plan your life around your pain. Even worse, since typical treatment only masks the pain, it’s progressive, leading to a cane, a walker, and eventually a wheelchair.

Restore mobility and peace to your life. Get your neuropathy healing.


Life is too precious to waste on pain

The answer to diabetic neuropathy lies in eliminating further damage and supporting your body’s natural regeneration to restore nerve health.

Stop Further Damage

Stop ongoing damage to nerves by using researched methods of stabilizing blood sugar, eradicating toxins, and prepping for healing.

Grow Nerves

Revitalize nerve growth and healing with well known methods of restoring blood flow, replenishing nutrients, and beneficial compounds.

Boost Healing

Use clinically proven methods to stimulate and enhance nerve energy production, circulation and healing.

When we think about our later years, we imagine the benefits of being older. We dream about having the time to travel, enjoy hobbies, take long walks and play with our grandchildren.

But what happens when diabetic neuropathy and it’s progressive pain stops everything? Cue stress and frustration.

I want to put your mind at ease. In clinical practice, Dr. Cam has taught hundreds the simple secrets to stopping neuropathy and healing. He can teach you too.

We don’t just care about your pain.

We care about you.

  • Research-Based Methods.

  • Over 90% Success Rate.

  • Simple, Clear step by step training.

  • Clinically proven.

You can get your neuropathy healing!

Learn for free!

Learn the basics of stopping and reversing diabetic neuropathy with this free “cheat sheet.”

Get detailed guidance

Learn how to reverse neuropathy more in depth with an inexpensive eBook or (coming soon) a short video series.

Get personal help

Get comprehensive help to heal neuropathy with complete training, guidance and consulting (coming soon)

Stop suffering and enjoy life again with Healing By Design

Diabetic neuropathy is a downward spiral of misery and disability. Healing By Design teaches how to stop the damage and heal nerves, providing relief, restoring mobility, balance, and life.


Download our free PDF and start down the road to healing diabetic neuropathy

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Dealing with diabetic neuropathy as an introvert.

Dealing with diabetic neuropathy as an introvert.

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